Saturday, September 1, 2007

NIN - Rock Am See Festival Recap Pt 2, Germany, 02 Sept 2007

Oops, sorry, not used to posting videos on these things, LOL.
Anyways, here is part 2, Trent is raging, Josh is rambling about some crazy shit, and Trent doesn't miss a beat...
"Fuck being in Europe, fuck being on tour, I quit"...
Damn, I hope he just blowing off some steam.


Bagheera said...

Awwww...Trenty-pooh is just pissed as always when things aren't perfect, control-freak that he is. I don't blame him at all. WTF was Josh going on about? He cracks me up. I want to rub Trent's stubbly face, among other things, muhahaha! Bagheera can make him feel better!

butterfly42080 said...

Hey now! LOL. I have no clue what Josh is going on about, some documentary from I understand. One I obviously have not seen, LOL. Probably trying to divert Trent's attention to something else or trying to get him to relax....
I feel sorry for them, they've had a LOT of issues lately.
Come home, we won't treat you like that! :)

Suzi said...

Josh fucking cracks me up.
That's so something I would do, walk in at an inappropraite moment and talk about some random crap. <3